Take the #2900Challenge

You may have seen some of the #2900Challenge posts floating around on social media from our incredible NextStep staff and friends. If not, don’t worry! Now is the perfect time to join the fun.

Here’s the deal.

For each mile Janne travels a day, our NextStep Fitness trainers are doing an equivalent number of an exercise that day. 43 miles = 43 jumping jacks

Follow #2900Challenge on Instagram for the daily rep.

Burpees and squats not your thing? That’s okay! Create your own #2900Challenge like our pal Robby in the video above.

1. Create a donation page

2. Share your challenge on social media using #2900Challenge and #RideforParalysis

3. Challenge your friends and be part of this awesome movement to support Janne and his journey!

But wait, there’s more! Prizes will be awarded for the following categories:
Most Creative Challenge
Most Challenging Challenge
Challenge Post with the Most Engagement